This is a list of the Top Online Associate in Paralegal Degree Programs. Follow along to learn more about this Degree. These days, there are countless online associate’s degree programs available for prospective paralegal majors, and it can be a real challenge to determine which program is the most credible, cost-effective, and enjoyable for the student. However, it simply takes some careful research to discover a degree that will perfectly suit a student’s learning style as well as his/her budget. Effective online colleges should provide top-quality faculty and staff who are masters in their field(s) of study and who take careful interest in the success and well-being of each and every student they encounter. These attributes are even more crucial to online colleges since it is much more difficult for faculty and staff to form solid relationships with students due to the obvious lack of face-to-face interaction. Below is a list of 11 excellent, student-centered programs which appear to have solid academic programs as well as a dedicated staff with a heart for helping students.
11 Great Online Schools Offering the Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies:
1. Kaplan University: A Top Choice for Serious Students
Kaplan University is a strong contender in the online paralegal degree circuit due to the long history of law programs offered by the campus. As reported on the official Kaplan University website, Kaplan ranks as the #1 choice for online legal degrees. Each legal class is constantly reviewed to ensure that students are given the most accurate learning experience possible. Kaplan proudly employs seasoned legal professionals who hold a vast amount of practical experience that they will share with students. Interested students can request more information at
2. Rasmussen College and its Emphasis on Training
Additionally, Rasmussen College is an excellent choice for prospective legal students. Rasmussen offers both a paralegal associate’s degree as well as a paralegal certificate that allows students with various degrees to additionally become certified as paralegals. Students of the paralegal associate’s degree program will discover how to effectively use Lexis Nexis and Westlaw in order to attain incredible proficiency in legal research. At no extra expense, Rasmussen faculty will properly train students for the National Certified Legal Assistant/Paralegal Examination. Currently, full-time student tuition has been discounted up to 24%. More information about this program is located at
3. Penn Foster College: An Economically Feasible Degree Choice
Penn Foster College is yet another great online paralegal degree program. According to the official college website, The associate degree program is offered at an attractive price that is 86% less than other competing programs. With this program, students will receive tutoring, career counseling, professional training in their field of study, and will also prepare for the National Association of Legal Assistants exam (NALA). A huge perk to this program is the option for students to pay monthly for tuition, which will allow for them to graduate without accruing any debt or interest. This is such a unique alternative to the debt and interest that accumulates with standard financial aid. More specific details about the program are located at
4. The Moral-Based, Intense Curriculum at Liberty University
Liberty University boasts an incredibly thorough program as well for a paralegal associate degree. Since Liberty is a Christian University, this would appeal to students who are seeking a program that provides a quality education in paralegal studies that adheres to a Christian worldview. The program stresses the development of solid critical thinking skills in order to best serve the public. If the student attends full-time, the cost of the program is $340 per credit hour, and 60 credit hours are required for the degree. More information and links to apply for admission can be found online at
5. Virginia College: The Practical Alternative
Virginia College promises an intense degree program in paralegal studies. As advertised on the official site, this college prepares students for their professions by helping them to seek practical approaches to problem-solving. The program can be completed in 88 weeks, and 58% percent of graduates are able to successfully locate jobs in their field of study. William Hairston Jr., a legal employer, boasts that he immediately contacts Virginia College if there is an open position at his law firm. On the official website at, a detailed list of program information can be easily accessed. With so many programs that require a “request for information” before outlining program details, it’s refreshing to encounter a college that is so straightforward with its information.
6. Hodges University and its Professional Training
Hodges University is yet another good option to consider when selecting an online college. As reported on the official school website, Hodges offers an associate degree program in paralegal studies that focuses on the requirements of both the student and the community of legal professionals. Hodges University aims high to holistically provide a well-rounded curriculum, successful classroom environment, and adequate counseling so that students will excel and be confident in their professions. All law instructors at Hodges possess a Juris Doctorate degree as well as experience with working in the field of law. Upon graduation, students are then eligible for the Certified Legal Assistant exam, which is issued by the National Association of Legal Assistants. More details on the program are available on the web at
7. Westwood College: The School with a Heart for Struggling Post-Graduates
Westwood College is a unique online school that offers an associate’s degree in paralegal studies. The official college site outlines the specifics of this program. Like the previously mentioned universities, Westwood provides a curriculum that is taught by professionals in the field of law and covers branches of law such as real estate, immigration, and bankruptcy. Students can complete the program in as few as 17 months, and if they are unable to secure employment six months from the graduation date, Westwood promises to help students pay their bills. Even more details for the program and information on applying are available on the web at
8. Flexibility: The Key to Success at Anthem College Online
Anthem College Online gives students a convenient, flexible approach to obtaining their online associate’s degrees in paralegal studies. As the official website explains, Anthem students can access their online classroom at any time of day that is convenient for them. Although students do adhere to a schedule, they are given the freedom to set their own deadlines for assignment completion. The study is career-intensive and will adequately prepare students for success in their chosen field of study. Additionally, Anthem College Online also offers a career success course, which provides useful information that will help inspire students to optimal job performance at their new places of employment. The program website is located at
9. Brookline College: Committed to Job Placement
Another excellent school for prospective paralegals that emphasizes career success among graduates is Brookline College. The associate’s program requires that students take classes in general education in addition to the paralegal coursework. Students will acquire vital information on a host of topics, such as estate planning, criminal law, legal assisting, and legal research and writing. The staff at Brookline College promise to provide students with as many applicable job offers and interviews as possible so that each graduate can enjoy a satisfying career. Interested students can discover more about Brookline College at
10. The Globe University Minnesota School of Business: Intense, Exciting Training for Students
The Globe University Minnesota School of Business equips students with a comprehensive, intense curriculum that includes small classes, internship positions, permission to train using the Westlaw legal database, and the opportunity to complete the program either online or on campus. Students will learn various aspects of real estate, family, and criminal law along and complete studies on litigation, torts, and contracts. Additional details of this program are found at
Of course, when it comes to selecting the perfect online college, it is essential for people to talk extensively with faculty and staff members. Prospective students should ask plenty of questions, carefully review the full curriculum, and evaluate the school’s unique mission statement in order to feel completely solid about the crucial decision they are about to make to ensure their successful academic and professional futures.
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