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Top 50 Locations for Lawyer Jobs
With talk of the law school bubble, outsourcing, and changing business models in legal services, it can sometimes be hard to get straight information on just where everyday lawyers are practicing. For this reason we've looked at Census and Bureau…
Alternative Jobs for Paralegals
Have you been looking for alternative Jobs for paralegals? If so you are in the right place and this article will get you started. The legal field is a stressful one, and burnout among paralegals is as high. And on…
Top 10 Cities for Paralegals
Paralegal work can be rewarding, but it can also be demanding. Paralegals are pretty much crucial to the legal industry; while it takes an attorney to represent a client in court or to manage complex business transactions, it’s the paralegals…
Top States for Paralegals
The field of paralegals and legal assistants is expected to grow substantially by 2026 - as much as 15%, according to the United States Bureau of Labor statistics. Paralegals are going to be a field with jobs in demand because…
The Paralegal Career Path: What Can I Do With a Paralegal Degree?
Paralegals are highly-trained assistants who provide support to lawyers. Paralegals play a crucial role in legal proceedings since they are often responsible for interviewing witnesses, filing court paperwork, and researching case law. As the demand for paralegals has grown, salaries…
25 Paralegal Schools for Job Placement
Here is a comprehensive list of 25 Paralegal Schools for Job Placement. Please follow along to learn more about this amazing career! Wondering how to find a job as a paralegal? Sure, on one level it’s as simple as searching…
20 Reasons to Become a Paralegal
To become a paralegal is to become many things. An interviewer, a gopher, a secretary, and a courtroom assistant. There are many aspects of the paralegal profession that may interest you, but here we’d like to present 20 great reasons…
Top Organizational Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Paralegals
Paralegals have a tough, often unforgiving job. On top of research, paperwork, clerical work, errands, and courtroom time, a paralegal’s job is fraught with schedule conflicts, appointment tracking, follow-up research, and so much more. With all of this on his…
10 Interview Tips for Paralegals
Maybe you’re just starting out, or maybe you’re trying to find the next rung in your paralegal career. Either way, we all need to put some thought into our interviews before we get there. Preparing yourself and making a good…
Top 10 Non-Metro Areas for Paralegals
Not everyone wants to live in a city. Luckily for legal professions, not everyone does! People in non-metro areas still need legal services, and lawyers everywhere need paralegals. Below, we’ll outline the best places for paralegals to work outside…