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  • How the Drug War Impacts the Criminal Justice System

    How the Drug War Impacts the Criminal Justice System More people are arrested each year for drug-related offenses than any other type of crime, and taxpayers spend tens of billions on arresting, prosecuting, and jailing offenders for drug crimes. That…

  • How to Take Down a Public Official

    How to Take Down a Public Official Democratic, Republic, Anarchist, Communist-- whoever you are, I'm sure there's a public official you want to take down. Here's our guide on doing just that. Here we go: Step 1: Pick your target.…

  • About Us

    Learn more about us at Online Paralegal Programs was formed by a small group of friends when we realized there was a shortage of truthful, unaffiliated, information available to students online. We want to help students get informed so they…

  • Presidential Shysters

    25 of the 44 U.S. Presidents were lawyers, and some were arguably Presidential Shysters. Presidential Shysters? Taking the law into their own hands shy ster [shahy-ster] noun Informal.1. A lawyer who uses unprofessional or questionable methods. 25 of the 44…

  • The Injustice of Private Prisons

    Private Prisons: The Injustice League Do you ever wonder about the Injustice of Private Prisons? The two largest private prison providers in the U.S. each rake in tens of millions of dollars every year. How do they make their money,…

  • How To Become a Paralegal In Mississippi

    If you have always been interested in law, but are not ready to commit to law school, becoming a paralegal could be a great fit for you. Paralegals are professionals who work closely with lawyers providing necessary assistance. Paralegals provide…

  • How to Become a Paralegal in Iowa

    Most people believe that if you are going to pursue a career in law, you must make a huge educational commitment to law school. For those who are not ready to make that commitment, there are still career opportunities in…

  • How to Become a Paralegal in Missouri

    Pursuing a career in law doesn’t mean you need to spend years and years in college and law school. If you are not ready to commit to law school, becoming a paralegal could be the best career choice for you.…

  • Kansas Paralegal Guide

    The ABA defines a paralegal as someone with education, training, or experience who performs substantive legal work that’s typically the responsibility of a lawyer. The term substantive legal work can have a lot of different meanings. Because of that, paralegals…

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